See the narrative of Enya and Su as far as possible in Heavenly Sharp Edge and get the Past Destiny prize.
Few out of every odd NPC experienced in Shift Up’s Heavenly Sharp Edge have something to add to the experience, yet the sets of Enya and Su are on the opposite side of the range. Giving Eve more something worth mulling over with regards to connections and the degree somebody will go to for the one they care about, the series of journeys forms one of the champion stories in the game that players could miss.
To assist the people who wish to set out on this excursion of revelation and become pieces of the pair’s story, this aide on the most proficient method to finish Enya and Su’s story and get the Past Destiny prize in Heavenly Edge will have everything the vital subtleties to not guarantee anything is missed.
How to Complete Enya and Su’s Story in Stellar Blade
Stellar Blade’s prerequisites for finishing Enya and Su’s story will lead players to three distinct side missions, the first of which is Looking at You.
Looking at Your Side Quest
After showing up in Xion and conversing with Orcal, players will be given the primary target of visiting Altess Levoire. Right now, you can advance over to The Last Swallow Bar in the rear entryway and inverse the quick travel point. Head to the to the first floor and converse with the singing lady at the piano, and Eve will propose to assist with fixing her for Su.
Quickly travel back to the safehouse and address Lily, who will task Eve to gather three things to fix Enya:
- Outrageous Nano Components x 18: These are tracked down in boxes and containers. Players who have opened these and are careful with the investigation may, as of now, have all that could possibly be needed.
- WB Siphon: The recovery thing can be purchased from Sisters’ Garbage or at the camps.
- Three Brain Guide Duplicates Go to No Man’s Land and chase down robots conveying the things. The areas will be set apart on the guide. You can likewise buy one at Sisters’ Garbage.
With every one of the things close by, return to Lily and address her. The mission will be finished, and players will get 900 gold, two profoundly focused elixirs, and one waiting mixture.
Maintaining Secrecy Side Project
In the wake of tracking down the second Hyper Drive for Orchal, return to The Last Swallow and address Enya. Apparently Su has disappeared, and players should find the Sentinel. To begin with, address Bo right outside the rear entryway. Then, at that point, make a beeline for Kaya for more data on the whereabouts of Su.
Kaya will point Eve toward the sun-powered pinnacle in No Man’s Land, so travel to that region, and the guide will top off with five focal points. Dispose of the multitude of neighboring adversaries and collaborate with different things. Another area towards the south will then show up, so make a beeline for the destroyed boat, then follow the blood trail through the holders to find a harmed Su. Get back to the bar and address Enya to complete the mission. Your persistent effort will result in compensations of 1,000 gold, two exceptionally focused mixes, and one waiting Elixir.
Madama Machine Side Quest
Before the closing mission for Enya and Su’s story, ensure you have finished the CnL-IImpart and Connection side journey for D1G-g2r and can make a trip to the Incomparable Desert. Presently, quick travel back to the Safehouse on Xion to converse with Enya and Su, who will make reference to the fact that D1G-g2r shared something intriguing with them and believe Eve’s assistance should be sought after further.
Return to town to find D1G-g2r at his new spot and address the robot. This will prompt the Show House area in the Covered Remains region toward the east of the Incomparable Desert. Utilize the drifting robots to advance down and collaborate with seven distinct focal points, which will fully explore Enya’s past.
In the wake of learning everything, return to Enya to finish the mission and partake in her tune alongside 3,000 gold, two exceptionally thought-out Elixirs, one waiting mixture, and the Past Destiny prize.