Tue. Feb 4th, 2025

There are many horrifying enemies in Baldur’s Gate 3, but most people agree that Auntie Ethel is one of the most vicious confrontations in the whole game.

Possibly one of the deadliest boss battles in Baldur’s Gate 3 is Auntie Ethel. Despite being a frequent encounter in the first act, her spells and assaults have the ability to wipe out a group of adventurers level twelve. Between her two main stages, she also faces a number of challenges and minions.

Players will need to be organized and have sound guidance if they are to defeat her. Players can “win” or finish the task in Baldur’s Gate 3, but even those results come with a hefty price. Here are some tips for those hoping to defeat Auntie Ethel in a more efficient manner.

February 29, 2024, pdated by Nahda Nabiilah When Auntie Ethel initially appears, she seems to be a kind elderly woman in the Emerald Grove. Regretfully, you will discover afterwards that she is not human and is enslaving Mayrina, a pregnant lady. In Baldur’s Gate 3, players must use extreme caution when approaching Ethel’s house since there are many opponents, traps, and tough choices in the region ahead. A powerful monster, Auntie Ethel has the ability to divide into several clones that will do serious damage to your team, maybe even killing some with a single blow.

Beating Auntie Ethel In Baldur’s Gate 3

In theory, players are not required to battle Auntie Ethel. They can even have a completely cordial relationship with her. But you’ll want to halt the savage monster outside of the most evil-aligned gamers. As players learn more about the hag, her list of victims expands. During the campaign, she killed a few individuals.


  1. Do not drink from the well yet.
  2. Reject Auntie Ethel’s cure.
  3. Have both the Fire Bolt and Thunderwave spells or scrolls prepared.
  4. Have either one jar of water or the Create Water spell prepared.
  5. Have a spell with a long debuff duration, such as Bane, prepared.
  6. Have four to six dispensable and inexpensive items in the inventory.
  7. Have one low-damage grenade in the inventory.
  8. Kill the Redcaps/sheep outside.

Apart from following these suggestions, it’s usually a good idea to relax and maintain excellent health. Manage encumbrance in Baldur’s Gate 3 by selling down to a merchant or leaving superfluous stuff behind at camp since there are plenty of goodies to be found from Auntie Ethel. Although a low-level team may “cheese” the fight, it’s generally recommended to try this fight at level 10 or above.

Once the battle has started, the Redcaps outside will join in. There is no redemption path for these creatures of evil, but this guide will teach gamers how to save as many victims as they can. To make the initial part of the battle considerably easy, kill them before starting the boss fight.

Reloading a fresh save file from before the well is advised for players who have previously consumed water from it, or they should take a lengthy break. Once the encounter starts, the benefit becomes a severe debuff.

First Stage Of Combat

They find Mayrina, and soon after that, the combat starts. By placing various debris items from around the house in the route of their path, players may “cheese” this encounter. Auntie Ethel’s offensive potential is significantly restricted if she is unable to go into melee range. Right now, she likes to use melee assaults rather than storing her strongest punches for later.

Outside of the discourse, the Hag can be attacked by those who seek to land the first strike. Telling her you’re going to stop her could seem satisfying, but in a risky situation like this one, landing the right first strike might be more important.

Auntie Ethel will run past the rear of the fireplace (which was an illusion) when her health is down to half. Accompany her.

Getting Past The Gnarled Door

Now, players will find themselves in a room full with Auntie Ethel’s victims, trapped in a condition of agony indefinitely. The way is blocked by the Gnarled Door, but if players speak to it, they can discover that this is also one of Auntie Ethel’s victims. The door is a fabrication as well.

Auntie Ethel will execute this victim for failing to perform his duty if players enter via the door. Use a Whispering Mask, equip it for a brief moment, pass through the door, and then quickly unequip the mask in order to save the Gnarled Door.

Dealing With The Masked Minions

This chamber has opponents, each donning a mask of their own. These are Auntie Ethel’s victims as well. Now, the players have an option. If these victims are still alive, the boss fight becomes considerably more difficult in the second level as they will attack the group.

The second step is made easier if they are killed immediately. This unfortunately does imply that these unfortunate people will pass away. Parties in good alignment can slip across this space. There’s a waterfall to the right, leading to the exit. Use the Stealth option once you’ve waited for the lone opponent wearing a mask to patrol away from you. If this still doesn’t work, turn off Group mode, then swap around the party members, guiding each one to over the waterfall only to find themselves at the opposite end.

Passing The Noxious Fumes

With the Fire Bolt cantrip, you can turn off the Noxious Fumes. The player will still take damage in this new flaming region, but this is the ideal time to find a Ruptured Stone. If you place an ineffective object on top of this, the vent will shut off, keeping the fire and the toxic fumes within.

This location contains peculiar flowers that need to be seen with a perception check. When these come into touch, they detonate. Turning off group mode and guiding each character through separately is a smart approach to prevent running over them.

Final Stage Of Combat

  1. Use the jar of water or Create Water spell to douse the cage when Auntie Ethel sets it on fire.
  2. When Auntie Ethel splits into illusions of herself, look for the one with the debuff on it to find the real boss.
  3. When Auntie Ethel clones herself to look like Mayrina, use a low-damage grenade to hit them both and reveal the hag.

Auntie Ethel will immediately light Mayrina’s cell on fire and, should the player leave the masked victims unharmed, will call them in to fight on her behalf. Put out this fire. Use Thunderwave to “cheese” this fight by throwing Auntie Ethel down the nearby cliff, where she will perish. She does carry some cash and other valuables, which is the main drawback to this. However, it does guarantee the victims’ survival.

Players won’t be able to hold out for a lengthy fight against her if they fight her traditionally, so use the damage dealers to concentrate on the real Auntie Ethel while the healers work to keep everyone alive. For the duration of the battle, everyone trapped will be effectively dead thanks to her casting Hold Person. Reloading a save from earlier in the fight can be an option if players are unable to withstand this spell.

Now that she’s gone, gamers should complete Mayrina’s quest and find the wand and the Bitter Divorce by robbing her makeshift laboratory. For better outcomes, talk to the addled frog as well.

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