Wed. Feb 5th, 2025

A thorough guide to Pokemon GO that covers Shiny Cresselia’s availability, weaknesses, and raid counters for Cresselia.

Raids in Pokemon GO are exciting events because they allow players to engage in combat with strong creatures that serve as bosses. The raid boss’s strength level determines which categories these raids fall under: One- to five-star raids, shadow Pokemon raids, mega raids, and more.

As a raid boss, Cresselia, a monster of the Psychic type, gains even more power to match her already remarkable abilities. The Sinnoh Region (Gen 4) monster is quite difficult to defeat because of its amazing Pokemon GO stats. A suitable plan that takes into account the Cresselia’s vulnerabilities and resistances must be woven in for those taking part in the attack. Having saying that, this tutorial covers all the groundwork needed to attempt the Cresselia raid.

Updated by Md. Armughanuddin on February 26, 2024:More countermeasures have been added to the article to provide players with even more options while facing Cresselia. Furthermore, further information on its advantages and disadvantages has been included, which may be useful in choosing the best course of action to take against Cresselia.

Pokemon GO: Cresselia’s Limitations and Strengths

Be wary of Cresselia’s stamina, as she has an amazing stat spread of 152 (ATK), 258 (DEF), and 260 (STA). Trainers in Pokemon GO must take full advantage of the monster’s weakness against bug, dark, and ghost-type attacks. It is best you avoid utilizing fighting and psychic-type attacks on the legendary form of this Pokemon, though, since it can withstand them.

It is important to avoid raid places in windy weather since it enhances Cresselia’s effectiveness. The Pokemon GO Same Type of Attack Bonus (STAB) function allows players to do more damage to the raid boss. When a monster’s attack type and attribute type are the same, they can use the STAB feature.

It’s also important to remember that Cresselia’s Psychic-type techniques are weak against Steel, Psychic, and Dark type Pokemon but effective against Poison and Fighting types. Therefore, players will ultimately take significantly less damage from Cresellia’s strike if they depend on the latter group of Pokemon. It can be quite challenging to deal with because it can also use Charged Attacks like Grass Knot (Grass type), Aurora Beam (Ice type), and Moonblast (Fairy type).

Pokemon GO’s Top Cresselia Raid Counters

Although Cresselia is a strong foe, it may be overcome with the right tactics. It is important to keep in mind that the psychic type is susceptible to moves of the bug, dark, and ghost types while choosing counters. A list of deserving individuals to run against Cresselia in your party is provided below:

PokemonFast AttackCharge Attack
TyranitarBiteBrutal Swing
GholdengoHexShadow Ball
HydreigonBiteBrutal Swing
ChandelureHexShadow Ball
Origin Forme GiratinaShadow ClawShadow Force
DarkraiSnarlShadow Ball
Unbound HoopaAstonishShadow Ball
PheromosaBug BiteBug Buzz
GengarLickShadow Ball
VolcaronaBug BiteBug Buzz

In addition to standard Pokemon counters, players have the option to defeat Cresselia using Shadow or Mega Pokemon. In fact, since the raid might be challenging, using Shadow/Mega Pokemon is advised. The top counters for Cresselia are listed here.

PokemonFast MoveCharged Move
Mega TyranitarBiteBrutal Swing
Mega GengarLickShadow Ball
Shadow TyranitarBiteBrutal Swing
Shadow ChandelureHexShadow Ball
Mega BanetteShadow ClawShadow Ball
Mega HoundoomSnarlFoul Play
Shadow GengarLickShadow Ball
Mega RayquazaDragon TailDragon Ascent
Shadow CursolaHexShadow Ball
Shadow MewtwoPsycho CutShadow Ball

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