Wed. Feb 5th, 2025

Here’s how to manually claim the Challenge Rewards in-game—there are plenty of benefits to be had from them in Nightingale.

To be fair, Nightingale isn’t the most’simplified’ Survival game available. Throughout the exploration of the Faewilds, players will need to be continuously conscious of their hunger, rest, health, stamina, weight capacity, time of day, and a host of other factors. It’s quite easy to ignore certain systems or features in this game because there’s a lot to pay attention to if you want to do well.

The Nightingale Challenges System is among the most prominent instances of this, at least during its first release. This is a system that continuously monitors your actions and logs your progress toward various challenges, like the number of Structures you’ve constructed or the number of times you’ve used each sort of weapon to win a combat encounter. The list of challenges is endless. Here are some specific instructions on how to claim the various awards you may obtain by completing these Challenges in-game.

Claiming Challenges Manually

You’ve Got To Check Your Guidebook Everytime

As of right now, you’ll have to manually claim your Challenge prizes each time you finish one, but we sincerely hope that this system will alter in some way in a patch or update soon. It’s not only that you’ll need to access the Pause Menu, Guidebook tab, Challenges sub-tab, and lastly expand each individual category for each Challenge you’ve finished.

Following all of this, you ought to notice a little green checkmark and a small black “chest” emblem next to the challenge you finished. After selecting this challenge, the ‘Rewards’ section should appear on the right-hand side of the screen, near the bottom right of the black box that describes the challenge in question. It should be possible for you to click the “Claim” button here in order to obtain the relevant incentives.

The majority of the time, challenges appear to provide copious amounts of essence dust or ponies. While this may not seem like much, it can quickly go from 200 Essence Dust at the end of the tutorial to 1,500+ after only an hour or two of gameplay. You’re going to want as much Essence Dust as possible, given all the things it can be used for, such as fixing equipment and trading with NPCs.

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