The Genshin Impact achievement Long Days in the Realm Within is unlocked whenever players activate four old teacups in Chenyu Vale.
Chenyu Vale was formerly only a location of Adepti and nature; today, it is home to two sizable mortal villages in Genshin Impact. In addition to well-known characters like Madame Ping and Cloud Retainer, gamers of Chenyu Vale will also become acquainted with Herblord, Fujin, and Lingyuan.
Tea drinking is one of the most popular pastimes in Liyue; therefore, visitors shouldn’t be surprised to see a number of tea tables in Chenyu Vale. A precious chest and an accomplishment can even be bestowed by some of these antiquated teacup tables. In order to obtain the achievement Long Days in the Realm Within in Genshin Impact, players need to go to four sites in Chenyu Vale that include archaic teacup tables.
Extended Days in the Domain of Genshin Impact Achievement
The first historic teacup table for the realm’s “Long Days” northeast of the Teatree Slope is situated inside the Genshin Impact accomplishment. Glide forward to the large tree and touch each of the four butterflies to have them return to the table after warping to the closest Teleport Waypoint. The orange butterfly is floating on the roots, and three of them are flying over the top portion of the tree.
Once the butterflies have returned to the historic tea table, circle each chair until the kettle starts to brew. After then, remember to take possession of the precious chest that appears.
Proceed northwest from Qiaoying Village and north to Genshin Impact, where you can obtain a Ruin Machine Core. There’s a closed Precious Chest among the upper ruins, and the antique teacup table is located nearby. To start the cutscene, climb the steps next to the teapot and smash the crates obstructing the water. A golden carp leap will then appear; utilize it to open and go to the precious chest.
Northwest of Chizhang Wall is where you may find the third old teacup table. There isn’t a cup on the table, which you will realize when you locate it next to a waterfall. The cup is in a dignable hole a bit to the north. Return to the table and set the cup for the teapot to fill after removing the Ancient Jade Cup. After that, in order for the adjacent Precious Chest to open, you must sit and sip the tea.
The last old teacup table for the realm’s Long Days Situated along the coast southwest of Chizhang Wall, Genshin Impact is within reach. You may read the inscription on a stone tablet nearby, which suggests that defeating an adversary will yield the missing teacup. Use your Elemental Sight from the tablet to view various “fake” rocks. The stone will vanish as you get closer to them, leaving an ancient sword in its wake. Genshin Impact finally has a geovishap if you check the sword. The teapot will turn on once you defeat the Geovishap, and you may then pour tea into the newly discovered cup to obtain a precious chest.