Wed. Feb 5th, 2025

The universe of Star Wars and Fortnite has gotten over by and by, and presently there’s LEGO content. This is the way to get a Lightsaber in LEGO Fortnite.

With the v29.40 update, the universes of Fortnite and Star Wars have by and by gotten over. The appearance of Chewbacca’s dependable Wookie Bowcaster, along with the arrival of Darth Vader and his Stormtroopers, make certain to stir up the interactivity of Fight Royale. In any case, Fight Royale isn’t the main mode to get new Star Wars-related content, as LEGO Fortnite has likewise seen a substance redesign, conceding players access to an extensive variety of realized Star Wars weapons and things.

From May 3 and onwards, LEGO Fortnite players can now jump into Star Wars Island, taking up a union with the Revolutionaries and battling against the Domain. Obviously, to repulse the domain’s powers, players should furnish themselves with different Star Wars weapons. While E-11 Blasters and Wookie Bowcasters are great additions to your stockpile, Lightsabers can likewise be gotten. This is the way to get them in LEGO Fortnite.

How to Get Lightsabers in LEGO Fortnite

In LEGO Fortnite, Lightsabers are not craftable using a Rebel Bench, in contrast to the majority of other weapons and equipment. Alternatively, players can find them in the world or earn them.

To earn their first Lightsaber in LEGO Fortnite, gamers will need to upgrade the Rebel Outpost to Level 6 via the Village Square.

The first requirement to reach Level 6 is to complete the ‘Now THIS is Engineering’ questline, which requires fans to clear the debris surrounding the Rebel Outpost (with both an Axe and a Pickaxe) and then build a Rebel Workshop on the cleared area. Here are the materials required to build a Rebel Workshop:

  • 81 Wood
  • 1 Plank
  • 6 Plastoid
how to upgradge Village Comfort Level in LEGO Fortnite

Once players have built the Rebel Workshop, they will then need to fulfill two more requirements before heading to the Village Square to upgrade their Rebel Outpost. These requirements are as follows:

  • Craft a Rebel Workbench with 5 Wood and 8 Plastoid
  • Reach Village Comfort Level 6 by placing buildings and decorations around the Outpost

You can finally enhance your Rebel Outpost by going to the Village Square in the Outpost’s center if you’ve finished all of these chores. Talk to Captain Bravara next. She will then provide you with a Blue Lightsaber as a thank you for your efforts.

How to Find a Lightsaber

The second method for gaining a Lightsaber in LEGO Fortnite is by finding one at the end of a Royal Dugout.

Supreme Fortifications can be situated using Macrobinoculars, yet they can’t be placed until you have overhauled your Dissident Station to Even Out 6 and addressed Chief Bravara a while later.

Supreme Fortification’s capability is similar to customary LEGO Fortnite buckles and can be gotten to by means of a single entry. Obviously, arriving at the finish line of the shelter is no simple accomplishment, as players should advance through various areas of the fortification, taking out all stormtroopers inside each segment prior to advancing to the next.

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