Hunters are generally a ranged DPS class, but they also gain some of the strongest runes in the Season of Discovery, thus they may now be able to survive in melee.
For the past twenty years, Hunters have been the finest soloing class in World of Warcraft, yet their playstyle hasn’t really altered. Hunter Runes in the Season of Discovery provide the class a great deal of versatility, including one of the greatest utility runes in the form of the new Aspect of the Lion (Blessing of Kings) and new ways to improve melee and solo Survival setups.
There were twelve SoD Hunter Runes available in Phase One for the Chest, Legs, and Gloves slots. Six more Hunter Runes were introduced in Phase Two for the Boots and Belt slots, bringing the total number of Hunter Runes across all five slots to eighteen. Every Hunter SoD Rune’s placement and impact are described in depth in this guide.
Updated by Erik Petrovich on March 1, 2024: The SoD Hunter Rune meta is always changing as a result of the regular changes that the Season of Discovery has received thus far. Because of a random SoD patch or hotfix, certain runes that might have seemed pointless early in a Phase could end up being quite potent thereafter. Once you reach max level, it’s a good idea to locate all of the remaining SoD Hunter Rune sites. That way, you’ll always have options and can quickly adapt to changing meta instead of having to go back and gather Runes you missed.Because of this, the locations and effects of each Hunter Rune have been updated, rather than just rating them, in this guide to all Hunter Runes in Shadow of the Deep.
All Runes for Hunter Chest
Aspects of the Lion, Master Marksman, Cobra Strikes, and Lone Wolf
In Hillsbrad Foothills, buy Freshwater Snapper Bait from a seller who is impartial among factions. To summon a special elite adversary, use the bait on the water while clambering onto a boat at the lake next to Tarren Mill.
bought from Grizzby at the Ratchet Inn upon the fulfillment of many tasks that called for the acquisition of 24 Shredder Turbochargers, 20 Dark Iron Ordinance, and 24 Fish Oil. It takes at least 5 Gold for players to engage with Grizzby.
To summon a special adversary, dwarf characters in Dun Morogh must locate a Rustling Bush and use Hunter’s Mark on it.
To summon a special adversary, Night Elf characters in Teldrassil need to locate a Rustling Bush and cast Hunter’s Mark on it.
To summon a special adversary, tauren characters in Mulgore need to locate a Rustling Bush and cast Hunter’s Mark on it.
To summon a special opponent, Orc and Troll characters in the Durotar need to locate a Rustling Bush and use Hunter’s Mark on it.
To battle an elite Owl known as Carrodin, all players must travel to a cave located in the Wetlands.
Every Hunter Leg Rune, Ordered
Sniper Training, Flanking Strike, Kill Command, and Serpent Spread
Runes and all Hunter Gloves
Beast Mastery, Explosive Shot, Carve, and Chimera Shot