Here are some simple methods to help you conquer Alduin at the Throat of the World and Sovngarde in Skyrim if you’re having trouble.
You will come across some fairly formidable foes in Skyrim on your trip. Alduin is undoubtedly one of the strongest. As a result, we will now explain how to defeat Alduin in Skyrim’s Throat of the World and Sovngarde.
Alduin, commonly referred to as the World Eater, will come across the Dragonborn several times. But you have to battle twice and utilize every resource at your disposal to beat him. To be fair, though, it is important to note that despite being the last boss, he is not as strong as the Legendary Dragons.
How to Win Skyrim’s Alduin at the Throat of the World
So, the Alduin’s Bane quest will present your first chance to defeat Alduin in Skyrim. You may get the new Shout—which is necessary to take down the game’s last boss—once you’ve managed to obtain the Elder Scroll. To accomplish this, head to The Throat of the World and initiate the cutscene with Alduin and the Heroes fighting.
This is when your war will finally start. It’s noteworthy that Alduin sustains no harm at all when soaring through the skies. Dragonborn must so employ the recently acquired Dragonrend Shout. It takes three words, therefore you have to hold down the Shout button.
In this manner, you can compel the Dragon to fall to the ground so that you can do harm to it. The level of difficulty of the combat varies greatly depending on your level. For example, Alduin’s level can reach the maximum level of 100 if you were leveling up without completing the major missions. Then, his strikes hurt a great deal. When facing him at levels 30 to 50, employ the same tactics you would when facing other dragons. Alduin has four types of assaults at his disposal.
Fire Breath: The dragon breaths fire at you, doing massive damage as well as harm that lingers.
Frost Breath: The dragon inhales freezing air, doing massive damage and draining your stamina.
Bite: Alduin lunges forward to savor your flesh.
Meteor Storm: Alduin releases a shower of meteors that severely damages vegetation with fire.
It is advised that you bring a partner who will make the Boss attack you every time. You’ll be able to block strikes and do harm at the same time. A meteor storm is among the Dragon’s most deadly strikes.
To prevent Alduin from using Dragonrend Shout while he is on the ground, you should utilize it frequently. You will also require an Amulet of Talos to shorten the duration of your shout cooldown.
How to Beat Alduin at Sovngarde in Skyrim
Alduin will retreat to Sovngarde once you have vanquished him. You’ll have to pursue him, but keep in mind that there’s no turning back now. Thus, get ready with all the supplies and tools you’ll need. We highly advise bringing along extra potions for restoring stamina and fire resistance.
The fight must then be initiated by repeatedly using Clear Skies Shout when you arrive at Sovngarde. Alduin’s attacks won’t change, but he will battle with increased aggression. Thus, you will be able to beat him if you employ the same tactic as in your first combat with him, albeit it won’t be simple.
That is all there is to it when it comes to defeating Alduin in Skyrim. This monster is indeed challenging, but as befits a Dragonborn, you will be able to beat him if you become accustomed to his assaults.