Wed. Feb 5th, 2025

obtain out where to obtain these precious minerals in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth, which are needed to construct deadly weapons.

Julie’s Gearworks is a crucial site in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth and a must-visit attraction for players wishing to earn the most powerful weaponry, despite not being your typical tourist destination. The Infinite Wealth version of Romance Workshop, Julie’s Gearworks, is available to players in Chapter 4 of “Substory 20: A Better Bat.” In Honolulu, Julie’s Gearworks is situated on Hula Avenue.

Players may create, improve, and brand weapons for every job in Infinite Wealth at Julie’s Gearworks. They can also trade in any unused weapons for resources to enhance them. Purchasing Gearworks gives players access to new crafting formulas and brands that, when improved, may be enhanced to give these weapons more strength. Players must first get the necessary supplies, though, in order to create any of these potent weapons.

To construct weapons in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth, players must acquire the necessary materials and save up enough money. The main crafting ingredients are three quality tiers of different kinds of elemental shards. Infinite Wealth need these materials to create formidable 6★ and 7★ weapons, among other high-quality weapons. at Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth, players can locate Fragments, Geodes, and Crystals at the following locations.

Where to Find Pieces

In Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth, fragments are the lowest rung of this kind of manufacturing material. throughout the early stages of the game, players will start gathering Fragments, which are easily available almost anywhere throughout Hawaii and Isezaki Ijincho. Finding Fragments may be accomplished by players by treasure digging beneath automobiles and vending machines, unlocking silver luggage and dumpsters, and gathering dazzling objects scattered across the game area.

In Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth, players may additionally swap unique currencies for Fragments by going to the Yokohama Dungeon in Chapter 6 and the Hawaiian Haunt, which are unlocked in Chapter 3. Each of these sites has NPCs that will exchange Fragments for either 10 Robo Disks or 10 Geomijul’s Survey Data. In these Infinite Wealth dungeons, players will acquire these currencies by beating adversaries and mini-bosses as well as, once again, by gathering glittering things discovered therein.

Lastly, players may buy Fragments from the General Goods Cart, which is situated in the northeastern section of Hamakita Park, or from Nolan’s Boat, which is situated on a raft in the middle of the ocean off Aloha Beach. Players may trade Fragments for Geodes, the next tier of crafting material, at each location. Fragments can be purchased for $80 or ¥8,000.

Players may find five different kinds of Fragments: Lava Fragment, Rainbow Fragment, Iron Fragment, Electric Fragment, and Ice Fragment. In Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth, weapons ranked 1 through 3 may be crafted using Elemental Fragments, and weapons ranked 2 through 3 can be upgraded using Iron Fragments.

Where to Purchase Geodes

In Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth, geodes are a middle-tier crafting resource that may be utilized at Julie’s Gearworks to construct 4★ and 5★ weapons. Similar to Fragments, Geodes may be acquired by players in the Yokohama Dungeon Exchange or Hawaiian Haunt for 50 Robo Disks or 50 Geomijul’s Survey Data apiece.

By conversing with Nolan on his raft and trading ten Fragments of a particular kind, players can also get Geodes. Once more, at Isezaki Ijincho’s Hamakita Park, gamers may discover a comparable trade run out of the General Goods Cart food truck.

Lastly, players can further increase their slim chances of obtaining Geodes by eliminating opponents they come across halfway through the narrative of Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth, including unique Sujimon Raid foes.

In Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth, players may find four different kinds of geodes: Electric, Ice, Lava, and Rainbow. Iron Chunk is the upgrade material that is comparable to the Geode and can be obtained through the Aloha Links system in the game.

Where to Purchase Crystals

In Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth, crystals are the highest-tier crafting resource that are required to construct 6★ and 7★ weapons at Julie’s Gearworks. The most certain way to collect crystals for crafting is to use the numerous exchanges, as it might be difficult for players to gain them from enemy encounters.

NPCs outside of Yokohama Dungeon in Isezaki Ijincho and Hawaiian Haunt in Honolulu are where players may buy Crystals. In exchange for 250 Robo Disks or 250 Geomijul’s Survey Data, which may be acquired by eliminating adversaries and gathering loot in each of these dungeons, these vendors will offer Crystals. Once more, Electric Crystal, Ice Crystal, Lava Crystal, and Rainbow Crystal are the four varieties of crystal that may be bought.

In order to exchange for a few crystals, players will probably have a modest stash of the prior-tier crafting materials, which they may get in Hawaii or Japan at the General Goods Cart. For every transaction, a single crystal of the same kind will be obtained by paying 10 geodes.

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